Home Furnace

Top 4 Ways to Caring for Your Home Furnace

A furnace is an essential appliance for every modern home.  It’s a great way to heat the home, especially in freezing winter months. Sadly,  most people don’t know how to care for their HVAC units endure regular malfunctions, which can be inconveniencing. Regular maintenance is vital to the proper functioning of your unit, and understanding how to care for your HVAC goes a long way.

Here are ways to best care for your furnace:

1.Change the air filters often

Air filters trap dirt particles and contaminants, ensuring clean and high-quality air in your home.  However, the dirt and debris can clog the furncae filters, affecting its operation. A dirty filter can hinder adequate airflow in your home. The best way to care for your filters is to replace them regularly. Change the filters at least once every three months, and have this exercise at the top of your maintenance list.

2.Clean the vents& Flame sensor

Vents ensure adequate airflow from the furnace to different parts of your home. But, they sometimes get blocked by dirt and debris, thus affecting the airflow. To avoid this,  clean the vents to eliminate pollen and mold spores and improve airflow. You can do this by removing the vent covers and vacuuming the ducts. Calgary Emergency Furnace Repair technicians can also help examine the vents for cracks that can lead to air leaks.

Clean the flame sensor, too. Dust may accumulate and coat it, affecting its ability to light the device. To do this, detach the flame sensor from its bracket and wipe any dust gently with a light cloth.

3.Seal any duct leaks

The air ducts may crack with continued use, leading to high energy costs. Examine the ducts for gaps or cracks that can lead to air leaks. Seal them using silicone caulk, and ensure all gaps between the ducts are covered.

4.Clean the blower blades.

The blower ensures efficient heat distribution by blowing warm air through the ducts. However, dirt and dust can coat the blades and should be cleaned often. Vacuum the dust and use a brush to get rid of any dirt remaining. However, you can easily tamper with the wiring or misalign the blades. If you have issues cleaning the blower blades, leave this to the professionals.

Why is furnace maintenance and repairs are key?

A furnace can last for years, normally 15-20 years, but this will depend on your maintenance schedule. Always check for signs of malfunctions and schdule regular repairs by a professional technician for help. Sometimes, you will need an emergency technician to fix some issues promptly. Regular furnace maintenance will improve the efficiency of your furnace and make it last longer, minimizing the need for replacement.

In summary, regular cleaning and maintenance are vital to the proper functioning of your furnace. Schedule maintenance at least once a year, and have a pro technician examine your unit. Also, learn how to care for your furnace and fix any emergency issues immediately. Avoid DIY repairs that can damage internal parts of your furnace, leading to costly replacements.


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